

I began drawing and painting as a child. I built on that background in college studio art classes and finally discovered a love of watercolors as an architecture student in graduate school. Since then I have enjoyed painting landscape and travel watercolors during vacations from my work as an architect. My favorite watercolor mentoring opportunities have been with Heidi Whitman at the MFA and workshops with Alvaro Castagnet, Joseph Zbukvic, Tom Schaller and others.

My preference is for plein air painting, many of which I have done during summer vacations on the Outer Cape. I also work from photos when the pace of my travel adventures hasn’t allowed enough time to complete my sketches. While I enjoy exploring form, as well as light and shade, pulling that translation together into my unique vision on paper is most fun. My goal as a watercolorist is to continue to search for strong compositions, eye-catching transparencies, clear colors, and meaningful content.