NWS Light and Shadow Watercolor Show

The theme of light and shadow may be interpreted in many ways. An artist uses light and shadow to help tell the story of a painting. In representational painting, light falling on objects and the shadows created, define form. The artist may use the color of light, its reflections and shadows to convey mood and drama. Light establishes values, patterns and textures. Shadows can be bold, stark, mysterious, intricate, soft or subtle. The contrast between light and shadow may be used to draw the viewer’s gaze. Alternatively, we may think of the metaphor of light and shadow to mean good and evil, joy and fear, truth and falsity, or things seen or hidden. Light and shadow may represent opposing sides of a moral struggle. We invite the artists of the Newton Watercolor Society to produce paintings where light and shadow is central to the work.
The show is judged by Tony Coach. Tony is an exceptional artist and teacher, and he judged all 63 paintings that were submitted by the Newton Watercolor Society members.

Three paintings were awarded by Tony.

Four paintings were awarded based on popular votes by the NWS members.


Here are the 63 paintings submitted by the NWS artists.

**If you are interested in purchasing the paintings, please contact the artist directly by clicking the painting title to get their email address.